The answer you're looking for is "Mindset" mindset is about your beliefs! Your thoughts create your beliefs, your beliefs create your feelings, your feelings create your actions and your actions create your results (this becomes your story - AKA "your perceived reality").
Many of the beliefs we hold are subconscious, shaped by past experiences or the influence of societal expectations. Identifying your beliefs allows you to see where you might be telling yourself things like “I’m too old to start something new” or “It’s too late to change.” |
States of Being (how you feel)...
Loving | Feeling Loved | Bliss | Secure Contentment | Happy Self-Pity | Low Self-Esteem Anger | Fear | Stress | Guilt Overwhelm | Shame | Remorse |
Job | Career | Relationships Keeping Secrets | Mental/Physical/Financial Health Expectations From Others | Divorce | Parenting Possessions (Car, Home, Boat, Money, Clothes, etc.) Painful Childhood Memories | Your Quality of Life |