If you put something in your mouth that tasted awful, you'd probably spit it out to get rid of the experience.
A negative or limiting belief is something we don't like or want to experience but it can take a little longer to recognize it before we spit it out of our thoughts. 90% of the thoughts we think are the same thoughts we had the day before based on habitual behaviors, emotions, beliefs and reactions; we react to life instead of act because of habitual negative or limiting beliefs.
When you finally get tired of this habitual pattern that's been going on for however many years old you are, you might be looking for a way to spit out your negative beliefs before they can cause any more negative experiences in your life.
Once you're able to answer "what is the feeling I'm living with day in and day out" the answer is like shining a light in a dark corner of your mind; you light up with new thoughts and beliefs! The word, "meditation" means "to become familiar with." Meditate to become familiar with what you're thinking about, the more familiar you are with your limiting beliefs, such as:
If you want to create a practice of spitting out your negative beliefs as soon as you're aware of them, you've got to start being aware every time you say or think:
There is a positive contrast to every negative experience but unless and until you're willing to sit with what you're thinking and feeling, you'll keep having the same negative experiences. Stop trying to resist what you're thinking and feeling by staying preoccupied with meaningless things, retail therapy, alcohol, calling your friends, scrolling or posting on social media or any other distraction you choose to try to keep you from paying attention to your thoughts, feelings and emotions. The only way you can spit out your negative beliefs is to recognize the so you can stop finding things to help you resist them. When you're ready to step out of your "Known Zone" (the beliefs you have based on your known experiences) to unlearn the negative thoughts and beliefs that have gotten you where you are, you'll get much quicker at spitting out those negative beliefs before they become your habitual response! A habit is defined as "something you've done so many times that your body knows how to do it better than your mind" The good news is, you can create happy experiences based on habits from your positive thoughts just as easily as you can create unhappy experiences based on your negative thoughts! Life Is All About Choices! Nancy Mueller ~ Life Sensei at MasteringYourBeliefs.com
They say you can't go home again, but that isn't really true when it comes to the painful memories of your past.
Women are here to heal the world, and for you to have everything you need to succeed, the healing must begin individually. When women are being triggered by painful childhood memories, it can effect their mental, physical, financial and spiritual relationships in the present. Painful memories of past experiences can be triggered through smells, sounds, books, songs, movies, another person's story, specific people, experiences and even our environment. Those triggers can take us right back to the event, causing us to relive the experience in the present. When this happens, our mind searches for a reason we feel triggered, because of an emotional response based on what we believe to be true. We try to tell ourselves things like, "It's in the past, let it go, I should be over this, what's wrong with me" and we even use those experiences to convince ourselves that we are inferior in some way. Your convictions about not being smart enough, educated enough, talented enough, worthy enough, or that you are inferior in some way can be so deeply rooted in what you believe about yourself that it becomes part of your identity. How can we heal the world when we resist the healing that must take place within each of us first? One day something will happen and you will think, "Wow, I can't believe I was able to do that, I always thought that was something I'd never be able to accomplish." That's all it takes, one time to accomplish something you never thought possible and then you'll start asking yourself, "if I can do that, I wonder what else I can do!" And that's when the fear sets in. Fear sets in because you start wanting more and your "wants" are accompanied by your limiting beliefs that you can't have it, accomplish it or that it's impossible because of your fear based beliefs! This is why many coaches will tell you, "if your goal doesn't scare you, it's not big enough." Give yourself permission to think outside of your "known zone" (that part of your thinking process that's always made choices based on what you believe to be true). Allow yourself to stretch beyond your limiting beliefs, your perceived limitations and the story you use to convince yourself that what you really want is only possible for others! Women are here to heal the world; if you're open to being part of the healing process, what one belief are you willing to master to heal the painful memories of your past so you can stop being limited by your outdated, worn out, limiting and negative beliefs about who you are and what you're capable of? Next stop: The World! Are you ready? Nancy Mueller ~ Life Sensei at MasteringYourBeliefs.com Women My mom always bought the gallon size container of ice cream containing half chocolate and half vanilla. She also had a knack for ruining our excited anticipation when the time came to eat the ice cream!
As she was scooping ice cream into bowls, she'd ask, "Do you want chocolate or vanilla?" I always wanted chocolate so that's what I'd ask for but she always gave me vanilla. When I thought I could outsmart her, I'd ask for vanilla and still get vanilla. We knew better than to complain, if we did, we'd get no ice cream at all. If we looked disappointed at what she gave us she'd simply say, "you get what you get, now eat." This experience taught me to believe that, "no matter what I asked for, I would never get what I asked for." Probably not a big deal when we're talking about ice cream but it's a BIG deal when I started applying that belief to other areas of my life like, a life partner, my job, money, relationships, my health, my body, my education and the big one for me was "God never gives me what I ask for." Something so simple, like ice cream, created a huge limiting belief in my life that often held me back when I wanted something. After all, why ask for something if you know you can't have what you want! And for the longest time, I was able to blame that belief and not having what I wanted on my mother! When I got older, I asked her why she did that to us and her answer was, "I tried to teach you kids that life is hard and I wanted you to be tough so you could handle it." Can you see where I'm going with this? Because my mother had a belief that "life is hard and you have to be prepared for disappointment" she passed that belief on to me and my siblings. She became my teacher on the subject of "Life is disappointing, will always disappoint you and you might as well face it and not ask for what you want because you won't get it!" My child-self interpreted her action as someone being mean to me but my mom saw it as teaching me a valuable life skill. Isn't it interesting how two people can experience the same event and have two completely different interpretations of the event! Life is never what it appears to be and we have the power to see things differently whenever something comes into our awareness that we do not want. If we're unhappy about our how someone is treating us, the number of our bank balance, the image in our mirror, the car we drive; our unhappiness is defining our self-confidence, self-worth, self-love, self-image, and self-esteem. Life is all about choices; we can choose to blame events, people, experiences and circumstances for what is currently showing up for us, or we can choose to see another side of it. The existence of "opposite" is a metaphysical process of creation. When the opposite of what you want to have, do or be is showing up for you, express gratitude for it and make a choice to bring forth the opposite of what's currently showing up for you. You have that power, we all have that power! The word "metaphysical" roughly translates to: "after physical" - when you accept that nothing happens on the outside until it's first created on the inside, you realize how powerful you truly are! Once I understood that I could continue to give my power away by blaming my mother for my beliefs and my shortcomings, or I could embrace the existence of the law of opposites as a metaphysical process of creation, my inner power began changing the outer manifestations I no longer wanted to experience. If life has been serving you something you don't want, would "now" be a good time for you to start practicing the "law of opposites" as your process of creation? Nancy Mueller ~ Life Sensei at MasteringYourBeliefs.com |
AuthorNancy Mueller ~ Life Sensei Archives
April 2024
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